leprechaunSo much going on this month!

St Patrick’s Day Parade!!!  – We have been asked to LEAD the St. Patrick’s Day Parade!!!! This is a HUGE honor for our Troop! The date is March 14, and I know this is the same date as the Merit Badge College at Whitworth. SO, if you are not at Whitworth PLEASE sign up to do this. We want as many boys as we can to show up. We would also love any of our EAGLE SCOUTS to be with us, and of our new Girls Troop! PLEASE EMAIL ME OR BOB IF YOU CAN COMMIT SO I KNOW OF WE HAVE ENOUGH.  Details about time, and where to meet will be forthcoming! 

Meeting Time –  Over the course of the last few months, we have realized that our meetings/activities wind down closer to 8 PM. So, at least until June, meetings will end at 8:00 PM for older scouts. Please plan on the new pick up time. 


Three Rivers Merit Badge College – Second week of the merit badge college is coming up Saturday March 14.

March Campout –  Plan oN attending tHE March campout at Riparia near Little Goose Dam on the Snake River. PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE MAP LINK ON THE CALENDAR.! IT’S WRONG. Directions will be sent out next week in this email. Sign up will be in the window at the next meeting.

GIRLS TROOP – The girls troop is SO CLOSE to being official. All interested girls can come to meetings and begin their work on rank advancement NOW!

WE WOULD LOVE MORE! We are going to be the first girls troop on the south hill and would love to have more participation! Get the word out! A page on the website will be up with more information soon.

JBF –  Thursday March 26 is an opportunity for your scout to earn some money towards scouting activities. They assist at the Just Between Friends sale at the fairgrounds from about 5-8:30 PM. I need about three to four more scouts.

Calendars –  We still have a few calendars left. They are $20 and can be purchased at the kitchen window.

Summer Camp  –  This year we are “in council” at Camp at Easton for the 100th Anniversary! It is expected to be a great deal of fun! Dates are June 21-27. Due to many factors,  not the least of which is the departure of the LDS troops, the cost of camp has increased to $380 this year. If you would like your son to go to camp, please let me know. I can collect full payment at any time, but at the very least, please plan to pay the first deposit  $100 as soon as possible. Next $100 payment is due April 1.

As soon as your son is paid in full, they can register for classes.

Also, here is the 2020 medical form for camp. I will print some and have them available at the window. YOu can also use the link below.

I can take these at any time. Since we are going to camp so early this year, if you got your physical last year in July, it may still be good for this year!

Medical Form

One thought on “MARCH MADNESS!

  1. We won’t be going to the camping trip or the merit badge events. So Victor would like to march in the parade. When and where does he need to be? Mike Warren


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